5 1/2 inches. No daggers.

by bj2, Thursday, May 29, 2014, 21:31 (3773 days ago) @ MR

(C) dagger, including but not limited to a dirk, stiletto, and poniard;
(D) bowie knife;
(E) sword; or
(F) spear.

It is hard to define "dagger, dirk, stiletto and poniard" except that this is essentially taken to prohibit double-edged blades. Otherwise the only limit is 5.5" length. Assisted openers, various types of locks, serrated blades, even automatic knives are allowed. But note that there are some cities with more restrictive laws. I don't know why "swords" are prohibited since the 5.5" limit pretty much eliminates them. Similarly there are lots of knives in use that look like Bowie knives, but the 5.5" limit would eliminate any real Bowie knife. Hard to understand why Bowie knives would be singled out since Jim Bowie has such a connection with Texas.

I don't know of anything in the law that specifically addresses fixed blades vs. folders, or concealed vs. openly displayed.

I have heard that San Antonio and Corpus Christi have more restrictive local ordnances, there may be others.

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