It probably makes no sense, but

by Charles, Sunday, May 04, 2014, 21:57 (3798 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I have been on or around the border most of my adult years. I came to this town in 1944 and have a long history, family and friends here. My wife is from here as well. I speak Spanish about as well as I speak English and understand the area and the people. We have a rich history and culture down here. This is my home and where I belong.

Yes, it is dangerous these days, but it have never been a tranquil place. I never leave the house without some serious armament and have the house well stocked, just in case.

This place is my home and those pendejos are not going to drive me out. I am 72 years old and am in the short rows for life. I just as soon die slugging it out with the drug thugs, as die in a nursing home hooked up to tubes and being spoon feed baby food. In spite of my age, I still shoot allot and bet I can take some of them with me to the promised land or wherever they go.

Anyway, aqui me queda/here I will stay.

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