These guys are really mean!

by Charles, Sunday, May 04, 2014, 16:29 (3798 days ago)

The Gulf Cartel has split into two factions and the leader of one faction ratted out the leader of the other faction to the Mexican authorities, who arrested said drug thug. Well the rat got killed and at his funeral they came back and killed his wife, mother and sister-in-law. This happened in Matamoros about four miles as the crow flies from my house.

Many of these guys live in my community and commute to work across the river. They have their larva in local private schools. One of the larva was failing at a local Catholic elementary school, and the father told the teacher to pass him or be killed. The teacher went to the Principal and was told to "do what she needed to do to take care of herself", and she passed the little jerk. She took the threat seriously as would I. With the track record of these guys, it was not likely a bluff.

The board of the school fired both the teacher and the principal.

That is the way it goes down here on the border by the sea.

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