A nice little article on revolvers for self defense.

by sjcollins ⌂ @, SW Missouri, Saturday, May 03, 2014, 08:08 (3800 days ago) @ Byron

Agreed, Byron. All autos are not the same. A modern semi auto from Glock, SIG, Smith & Wesson or Springfield Armory will withstand a lot more abuse and use than a revolver. There's a reason they don't use revolvers on the battlefield, and haven't for a long time. They just don't take the abuse and dirt and grime you find in combat.

Also, clearing a malfunction on a semi-auto(which really doesn't happen that often,) is easy to fix. When a revolver stops working, and the trigger can't be pulled, it's done til it can be taken apart and looked at. I've seen a lot of revolvers stop working for various reasons, they're not the end all to be all some make them out to be.

They're both different animals; you can't just pick up one or the other and expect it to work like it does in the movies. They both have good and bad points, and I too have been known to carry both at one time. I just refuse to attribute any magical qualities to one or the other.

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