A nice little article on revolvers for self defense.

by Byron, Saturday, May 03, 2014, 07:44 (3800 days ago) @ StoneWolf

"jammed like their auto does every other mag or so and sometimes more often"

Something is real wrong there.

My P35 has gone through a couple of gunslinger classes (Suarez International Close Range Gun Fighting classes) that were essentially firing as fast as the gun could be fired for two days on a hot dirty range shooting in excess of 1200 rounds without a bobble.

Dozens of Glocks, SIGS and Smiths also breeze through 1000s of rounds without a burp with no more maintenance than a squirt of oil during lunch break.

IMNSHO the argument that revolvers are more reliable that autoloaders is no longer valid.

That does not mean revolvers are outdated. I have many.


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