I prefer short barrels...

by Brian A, Friday, April 04, 2014, 08:14 (3829 days ago) @ Otony

Probably because I am a short person and a handgun with a 7 1/2" barrel in a belt holster is uncomfortable for me. Have only purchased one handgun with that length, did not like carrying it, so gave it away. Even the 5 1/2" revolvers I used for CAS seemed rather unwieldy to me. I am most comfortable with 4" revolvers, but do just fine with barrel lengths from 2 1/2" to 5". The minor exception to that is Contenders, where I carry a Super 14 in 35 Rem, with a scope, for deer hunting, but it rarely ever rides in it's shoulder holster, instead it is carried in my hands more like a rifle.

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