Long barreled pistolas......

by Otony, Thursday, April 03, 2014, 20:30 (3829 days ago)

For a good many years, I invariably chose shorter barreled handguns over the same gun equipped with a longer tube. Not always, but probably 75% of the time a barrel shorter than 5" got the nod.

Now, I'm not sure if it has to do with getting older, or just having picked up most of the shorter guns on my bucket list, but I realized that three out of the last four handguns I've purchased have barrels at least 6" long, with the latest sporting a 7.5" barrel. Matter of fact, the shortest pistol of the four mentioned above had a 4.25" barrel, and it is already gone.

Anyone else have a distinct preference one way or the other, or is it simply a matter of what strikes your fancy?


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