We don't sell ammo or accessories.....

by Otony, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 19:23 (3865 days ago) @ Hobie

.......no ammo because it is too difficult to compete with the "Mart" prices (we have Kmart, Walmart , and Bimart here in town).

No accessories as the boss isn't interested. However, in the year that I've been there, he has seen his gun sales increase dramatically. Part of that is due to he "panic" of course, but a significant portion is due to the fact that I'm gunny and he ain't.

Now that he sees the difference in sales, he is open to having some accessories in stock. I have to make some highly edumacated choices on fairly universal stuff for him to feel secure about putting his foot in the waters.

In the end, having a pawn shop is his insurance policy.


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