Hobie, we do cost plus 10% on pricing......

by Otony, Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 21:10 (3866 days ago) @ Hobie

......until we get to $500. After that we add a flat 50 bucks. Anything over $1000 our cost is a flat 100 dollar fee.

Is that similar to what your shop is doing? Just curious.

Our biggest (and only) competitor within a 50 mile radius is a place named Ranch & Home. They are about 10 miles away. Recently they have upped their prices across the board, pretty dramatically I might add. A Springfield Armory XDM sells for $599 in our shop, and $729 in their place! :eyepopping:

The rest of their prices, which used to be competitive with us, have increased correspondingly. Not sure what the malfunction is, but they were outrageously bad during the last panic as well, which caused a lot of hard feelings towards them. This latest faux pas might signal some serious trouble for them with the customer base. Believe it or not, a few of the clerks there are quietly sending folks over to our shop! In fact, their clerks buy from us, as our prices are better than what they get.....with the employee discount.

Strange how some folks do business. I hope their sales of Carhart and Wranglers makes up the difference.


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