Dryfire it smooth.....

by Fowler, Sunday, February 23, 2014, 09:34 (3869 days ago) @ John Meeker

Yup I dry fired the snot out of mine and had it serviceable in fairly short order. I can keep it in the B zone of a USPSA target out past 50 yards pretty easily now, although that's not the little guns job really. I fired a couple of cylinders of my carry +P load through it so I knew where it hit and now run strictly mild loads through it, no reason it make it nasty in practice.

Last spring I was at Tedd Adamovtich's BBQ and these two guys had shooting gloves on and they were gripping their 442s way low so the gun would roll a little when they would shoot them. They couldn't hit their ass with both hands as they were terrified of the little boogers. I asked them why they were shooting +P stuff, naturally I got the have to practice with what you will fight with BS. They were having a hard time hitting B zones at 10 yards. I took mine and range a 6" gong at 25 yards 5 times in about 3 seconds or so, not super fast just smooth. I think I made a comment about remembering that if the time comes to need the little guns and walked off.

If kept to what they are they are fun little guns to play with, a sorry second to a good 1911 in a fight but the. That is a sorry second to a good longgun if push come to shove. But they sure are easy to have with you always...

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