Took the plunge on a 442

by Catoosa, Saturday, February 22, 2014, 21:27 (3869 days ago)

I picked up a Smith & Wesson Model 442 today at a local shop, and it's got about the screwiest trigger pull I've ever felt on a Smith. All glitchey and stagey. They had three of them, and they were all that way. One quit working while I was messing with it, so I dang sure didn't want that one. The one I bought has the darndest hitch at the end of the pull that I've ever seen. It rolls back pretty easy, and then STOPS. You can hold it there, and then pull it off just like shooting single action, except the last bit of pull stacks to about ten pounds. I'm hoping it will smooth up some. I will say that even with the horrible trigger, the little thing is accurate. I was chasing bullet holes by the time I got to the third cylinder full.

Little beast to shoot, but it carries mighty good. $445, and I was glad to find it at that price. The non-lock 442s are hard as the dickens to come by around here, but I decided that I absolutely didn't want one with a lock.

I guess I am spoiled by the triggers on the older Smiths. This is the first (and I hope the last) new S&W I have had. Would have preferred one of the old Centennials, but I can't pay collector's price to get one so this will have to do.

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