Red Dot use...........

by Gunner @, St Louis, Monday, February 03, 2014, 20:23 (3889 days ago) @ Gary G

I believe you are doing what most people do when using a RD sight, aim it like a normal scope, concentrating on the dot like a cross hair, which is not the best way to use a RD sight.

You need to look thru the tube to the target with both eyes open, concentrate on the target not the dot. When done correctly the dot will appear as if it is a laser dot being projected onto the animal/target, this happens when your dominate eye is aligned with the tube and the target.

RD sights are the best option when close and/or fast shots are taken, their speed in this type of shooting is tops. But you loose a lot of the benefit of the RD sight when used with one eye or aimed like a normal scope.

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