Jeff was a fountain of sage advice to me...

by Boge Quinn, Sunday, January 05, 2014, 14:00 (3918 days ago) @ Charles

...when my first wife started jumping the fence. First, he saw it coming way before I did, advising me that she wasn't losing weight and dressing up f or ME, because one doesn't continue giving worms to the fish once it's in the boat. Then, once she jumped the fence for the final time, he reminded me that wimmenfolk are cheap nd plentiful, and advised me that nothing gets a fella over a gal better than more gals. But the best advice he gave me went unheeded, when he told me years ago not to marry her in the first place.

I always take my brother's advice these days.

I also learned from my experience with her that there is no violence within me if I didn't kill her, I won't kill anybody.

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