I like women as well as the next fellow, but...

by Charles, Saturday, January 04, 2014, 17:56 (3919 days ago)

I have never understood why some guys go nuts when some woman prefers another man. This week two local Border Patrolmen were arrested for this kind of nonsense.

The first trashed an ex-girlfriend's car and stole her IPhone.

The second suspect his wife of being unfaithful, so he tied her up and tortured her until she gave up her lover. He then went and killed the paramour.

Now these are two Federal law enforcement officers who are supposed to be trained, vetted, stable and sane.

I have had a woman or two give me the heave ho in my salad days, but I never had any problem replacing them and it was a step up in every case. I just do not understand why somebody would do this kind of stuff, but I am not a Federal law enforcement officer. If I were maybe it would make more sense.

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