More Yep!

by Jared, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 18:38 (3925 days ago) @ JLF

When I was in high school a friend came out deer hunting with me. He asked if it would be of of he brought his girlfriend, of course I didn't mind having her along.

After setting in the stand for about an hour all of a sudden she has a revolation and says," I know who your Dad is, I think he chaced a friend of mine down the road with a gun."

"I replied that sounds like him."

Turns out the friend drove by and thew something at dad's mailbox. Dad heard it jumped in his truck and chaced the kid down the road waving a gun at him. They ran upon the kids dad and my dad gave him a good talking to about his kids actions. I think it stopped the kid from damaging mailboxes. At least on dad's road.

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