Too Subtle?

by Jhenry, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 15:21 (3925 days ago) @ Slow Hand

A knife is easier for that, and a lot cheaper.

Not where I hunt now, but where I used to, was on private property. The guy (Tom), who more or less looked out after the parcel of land was a demented alcoholic with anger control issues. I'm not trying to embellish here, if anything I am greatly understating. He didn't hunt, although he liked venison and we would give him some. My friend and I were the only folks who hunted there with permission. Some folks with a fancy SUV decided to just come hunt one year without so much as a howdy do. They scored a pretty nice buck which pissed off Tom, and by God they came back for more the next day. Tom went and flattened all 4 tires with a simple kitchen knife in about 20 seconds. They came out of the woods and just drove down off that mountain on the rims. Never came back neither. They sure did score a nice buck though.

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