Any misconceptions I had regarding the M16/AR15...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, December 20, 2013, 06:19 (3934 days ago) @ Byron

were resolved when I attended armorer school. Working on them confirmed some basic truth I learned rebuilding 1911's.

If enough people copy a sound design, some of them are going to screw it up. If that design achieves 'fad' status, most consumers won't care. It becomes a toy instead of a tool. And if marketers succeed in turning that design into a LEGO project, its basic attributes get lost in the rush to bolt crap onto it. This is mostly comedic unless you are tasked with working on it.

Any problems I had with the M16/AR15 were resolved with the purchase of Sig 556's for patrol rifles.

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