Due to many misconceptions regarding the M16/AR 15 family...

by bob, Thursday, December 19, 2013, 14:40 (3935 days ago) @ Alfred John

actually, there was a time and place where the thutty thutty was THE official gummint catridge! It was near here during WW1,soldiers assigned to guard the Spruce Railroad were armed with M94's, spruce being a war material necessary for aircraft. American Rifleman ran a story a while back about it, sorry, I no longer have that edition. Kinda remember the soldiers were from 91st Division, aka, The Pine Tree Division. There's a spot on the local forest maps marked as the "Slab Camp Guard Station' that I think dates from that time too. The Spruce Railroad is now a hiking/biking/equestrian trail in most places.

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