Still have mine

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, December 07, 2013, 03:49 (3948 days ago) @ Andrew

But it is a new model. I paid $179.95 for mine back in 1981. It was all I could afford. Really wanted a Model 19 Smith which I eventually got. But alas the Smith is gone and I still have the Ruger 357 Blackhawk. If there is an audience at the range I'll pick up the Blackhawk and ring a 12 inch gong at 100 yards offhand and mutter something about it still being "on". When I bang the 24 inch gong offhand at 200 yards people who are not shooters are still in "Awe" with their mouths open. I finish off there amazement by ringing the 300 yard gong from a rest. I've had more than one troopers attention at the range.
Little do they know that with good ammunition and being familiar with your gun that these feats are relatively easy.

By the way 158 XTP over 13.6 grains of 2400 is my standard 357 load. I do bump it up to 14.5 sometimes.

Back in the day I thought this Blackhawk was for poor people and amateurs. I was right about the first LOL. I'll keep it until I die. It is the last of my connection in the days of my youth reading about Elmer and Skeeter and Bill Jordan and the rest including Mr. Jurras. These guys helped shape many of us without even knowing and I salute them.


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