
by JLF @, Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 20:19 (3958 days ago) @ Byron

Driving is a good metaphor. If you don't know where every car is around you, and keep track as some fall away, and new ones join in, then you are asking to be surprised by a stupid. It's a running narrative in your head, barely noticeable, but always there. In this manner, potentially dangerous situations are seen *before* they materialize, and you change lanes, speed, or whatever to avoid their possiblility. Needless to say, this is far more difficult if you are distracted by a cell phone, a conversation with your passenger, a fight with the old lady that morning, or the mini-skirt on the corner accross the street. You can dial it up, or dial it back, depending on conditions, but if you are actually *driving*, it never leaves your head.


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