I'll go there but in my experience, no matter how

by Charles, Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 14:05 (3958 days ago) @ Hobie

Yep...I have always thought that there are two kinds of people those that react to a bad situation and those who respond to the same situation.

Those that react sometimes do the right thing, but others often do not, this goes all the way from pissing in their pants to taking appropriate action. A reaction is uncontrolled.

A response on the other had is controlled and thoughtful. It can take place as quickly as a reaction if a person is so given.

Training is a good thing, but when surprised by a sudden event some folks can't function no matter how well trained they are.

Someday, I will tell you the story of an Air Force Major, who was a SAC 5-52 pilot flying nukes to the fail safe point toward Russia. When faced with a scary situation in South America, he crawled under a tarp and hid. This was not a tactic but a reaction of utter fear. I had the dickens of a time, talking him out. I never felt good about our "nuclear deterrent" after that.

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