worried about my son...

by Charles, Thursday, October 10, 2013, 22:20 (4005 days ago) @ D. Sikes

Many vets who received all sorts of injuries had to rethink their future in light of those injuries. Many non-vets were injured early on in life and that changed the course of their lives as well. I was one of them.

But life is full of opportunities and wonder if a person is willing to accept the limitations and move ahead. Sometimes we just can't be and do what we want to be and do and beating our head against a wall won't help.

I can't tell your son what is ahead of him, but life can be good whether or not he can fly airplanes.

I now teach college and know we are required to make accommodations for folks who have injuries or problems. Every semester I have one of more students that need accommodation and I am glad to do it. I have several students that spent protected time in the sand box. If your son is having difficulty in college then accommodations can be made for him. It is done all the time. But he does need to make the difficulty known to the school administration.

All I know about the VA is what I hear from folks who deal with them, and those stories are similar to that of your son. It is a huge bureaucratic morass that is hard to deal with. Persistence seems to be the key to getting what is needed.

Let your son know that are lots of us who deeply appreciate his service to this country and are praying for his success in life.

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