worried about my son...

by D. Sikes @, Ozarks, Thursday, October 10, 2013, 16:20 (4005 days ago)

I'm posting this here cause I need a "wall" to bounce my thoughts to... and I know that ya'll have great shoulders to listen and understand my concern...

My son came out of the US ARMY this year after his 8th... yes 8th tour into the Sand Box as either Navy... the first few times and then Army the last few times...

He is trying to use his VA bennies for education and get his pilots license for emergency rescue pilot duty... but he is having problems...

He has back problems from when he was blown out of a Black Hawk helicopter when it was shot down back in 2005... this last year he was hit with an IED and had a severe concussion from that that has affected his short term memory ability... he has problems remembering procedures that he is taught... it has hampered his ability to remember and execute flight maneuvers... he called me and said that it looks like he'll have to change his plans and find another/different career field to pursue...

I'm afraid he's gonna have a rough time of it... his long term memory is fine but he has problems trying to learn "new" things... this has also affected his class work in college...

The VA is slow balling him and is only applying "minor" disability for his problems... this I feel is royal BS... I should know, I've been fighting the VA over my health and physical issues for, going on 16 years now...

Wish I could do more for him but I told him that I understood and will have his back on whatever he decides to do and that I'll help him in any way that I can...

Thanks for listening... like I said, ya'll are a bunch of fantastic folks and I just needed to sound off a little bit... more of clearing my mind and heart...

Thank Ya'll

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