I was diagnosed about three years ago...

by pokynojoe, Monday, September 23, 2013, 13:52 (4023 days ago) @ Mark Stevenson

My PSA started to become elevated when in my late forties. It took about ten years and three biopsies, but they finally found it. I pretty much knew I had it, so no biggie when it was finally confirmed. My treatment ended about twenty months ago, I woulnd't say I've beaten it, but my PSA has steadily declined. It's not at zero, yet, but the doctors are pleased so far. It's not unuaual for it to spike at 18 months to two years, so we will see. I'm sure you've gotten your Gleason Scores, surprisingly mine were pretty low.

Depending on your scores, and of course what your doctors tell you, if you have the option, take a look at Proton Radiation Therapy. I was a very good candidate for this, unfortunately, my insurance wouldn't pay for it, and I didn't want to bankrupt my family. Timing is everything, there is a proton radiation center that is due to open here in January. At the time of my diagnosis and treatment, the nearest center to me was in Gainesville, Florida. I ended up chosing the more traditional radiation treatment and then brachytherapy. The word's still out yet whether or not I chose the "right" course. There were/are some side effects. I won't go into the details because everyone is different, and responds differntly to the various and sundry treatments you'll be offered. I believe you're a fairly young man, so you will probably respond quite well to whatever treatment you elect. My fathter was diagnosed at 79 years old and elected to do nothing. He died at 89 years of age of totally unrelated causes. Like I said, I had some "unpleasantness" associated with my treatment, I'm still dealing with some issues and probably will for however long I live.

Another good thing, you don't live in Appalachia, not the place to come down with serious illness. Don't get me wrong, we've got some good physicians here, just not a lot of them. I can't say I'm overly enthusiastic about the oncologist I ended up going with, however he seemed the best of the lot.

One more thing, go see all the different specialists that your insurance and or wallet can afford. I ended up selling off most of my firearms that were worth anything, I had a boat load of archery gear, sold most of it too. We sold furniture and whatever else we didn't need. My insurance covered a lot, but it wasn't near enough. Keep in mind that each specialist you see will have an agenda, yea for real. The surgeon, urologists, radiation oncologist, etc. all have egos. Talk to all you can, then select your course of treatment. Just remember YOU'RE in control.

I hope whatever treatment you elect is successful. If I can be of any assistance don't hesitate to contact me.

Last word, I believe your in Michigan. There is an excellent facility in Ann Arbor, but you probably already know that.


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