Challenging news

by Lee J. @, hagerman,NM, Monday, September 23, 2013, 10:52 (4023 days ago) @ Mark Stevenson

Hang in there Mark. Mine is a high Class, just finished a Hormone treatment and 36 of 38 Radiation treatments. The radiation knocks hell out of your immune system.I Have had bad side effets. They suspended last two radiation treatments, Get another Hormone treatment today. They last about 6 months each. Usually give about 2 years. Chemical castration is what it amounts to.Treatment options depend on many things, age and stage mostly. I'm 79 so they think they can hold it off till I die of something else. Unless it matastisizes to another organ they just keep your PSA under 1 or around .2 and they call that remission. I've found the treatments worse than the disease so far. ATB, Lee J. :-|

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