Much like everything else, the institutions rule the day

by brionic @, Monday, September 23, 2013, 10:31 (4023 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

but the kernels of truth are easy to find if one puts his mind to it.

The Library of Congress is such a place. One can read from their extensive collection of Elmer Keith and Townsend Whelen's works, for example. The maps collection is astonishing, to say the least. Next time we're out there, my 'brary card will allow access to the reading rooms.

The Smithsonian museums alone beg for months of study, depending on one's interests. We spent hours in the gems, minerals, and crystals exhibit due to boy #2's fascination.

Sadly, we were unable to make it out to the National Firearms Museum. I had arranged to meet Phil and Jim, but time and distance interfered with that plan. Argh.

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