Back from DC. Worked, walked, experienced a lot

by brionic @, Saturday, September 21, 2013, 19:00 (4024 days ago)

I wrote a big post, but scratched and decided to keep it simple.

We went to DC for a series of pediatric cancer conferences. My wife knocked the socks off multiple principals. For an encore she scored big points with two IA congressmen and one senator in private meetings. Now the calls are coming in for more meetings next week. We are proud of her, again, as you who have followed along are aware.

My boys spent hours with me at the Holocaust Museum. Now, they get it. By "it" I mean the unspeakable evil of which humans are capable, AND the need to recognize and act when confronted. I am proud and humbled by their courage and maturity. Molon labe.


Robert E Lee
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Society of the Cincinnati
Tomb of the Unknowns

Plus a lot more, too much, honestly, and not enough. Blisters be damned.

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