shooting steers.........

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 09:12 (4634 days ago) @ Byron

Now Byron, you're reminding me of a funny story about bovine butchering. I've seen my dad drop a big Brahma steer with an old savage single shot .22 LR. Last week a friend of mine set out to attempt the same with a cow using his .22 LR pistol, I'm not sure what make. I am most sad that I was not present to observe the show, but those who did were quite jolly in the telling of how he attempted to get the cow to agree to letting him put his pistol up in the middle of the cow's forehead before he pulled the trigger. She was not agreeable to the endeavor and so he ended up firing three rounds into her cranial region before she keeled over. Only to start to revive before they cut her throat.

I would NOT recommend letting my friend kill your next gator for you. ;-)

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