Compact 1911's

by Otony, Sunday, September 15, 2013, 10:13 (4031 days ago) @ ScottL


Wholesale on the New Agent is around $950 if I recall correctly. Past that I don't have a lot to offer save that compact 1911s have a reputation for spotty performance. Whether or not that is deserved is another story.

Problems frequently reported over at the 1911 forum seem to center around feeding issues. All of the various manufacturer's compacts have been mentioned as having issues at one time or another, but the general consensus would seem to indicate that you get what you pay for. In other words, don't cheap out, which isn't something I recall you doing much of anyway.

I happen to have an itch for a New Agent, so maybe I can give you a real report on one some day, but in the meanwhile, I tend to rely on my Para-USA Commander.

Otony, who is glad to see you here again.

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