Compact 1911's

by ScottL, Sunday, September 15, 2013, 10:03 (4031 days ago)

Hey everybody, It's been a while but I'm still around, usually lurking in the background. The long legged blonde is still keeping me healthy (Proven by my belt size) and the kids are growing like weeds.

I have been thinking about it for quite a while now and I believe I'm going to get myself a compact 1911 for full time carry to replace my Glock 22. I still love my Glock and it will stay in the herd but I'm looking for something a little smaller for easier concealment and a little more comfort.

I was at ACE hardware the other day and they have a Colt New Agent in their case. Small, comfortable and not a lot of extra dewdads on it. I was a little thrown by the lack of sights but I can see how a guy could get used to it fairly quickly with practice. The tag said $1150 and I know these guys are always overpriced.

This leads to my question. What compact 1911 would you pick if you were looking to spend $1000 to $1500?

As always thanks in advance for your advice and opinions.


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