I like the ipad but android is very similar

by bj2, Tuesday, September 03, 2013, 00:33 (4043 days ago) @ Paul

I received an ipad for Christmas 20 months ago and I really like it. I've fooled around with android phones a bit and they seem extremely similar to the ipad, probably functionally equivalent for most people. I think the 10" ipad is the minimum size for an older person like me. The smaller ones might be OK for people with smaller bags but my ipad fits in my small briefcase easily.

The Windows tablets are becoming more popular and probably have some advantages. If I didn't already have the ipad I would look into them more. My wife is needing a new laptop and I'm considering buying her one of the small laptops that fold up to become a tablet.

For me the tablet is something to use for looking at information, such as reading PDF's, playing games, watching videos, or light internet searching. I don't do a lot of typing and a person that needed to do some typing could add a cheap external keyboard, but for me if I am inputting much information I want a real computer. I could never replace my computer with a tablet.

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