To me, the iPad is 'almost' perfect...

by rob @, Monday, September 02, 2013, 13:39 (4044 days ago) @ Paul

It does everything I want except properly use flash. IF it would run Flash, I cold log into our Mitchel Ondemand at work and have access to my information sitting in a vehicle rather than wait for the office computer, and a lot of times it's a constant back and forth from computer to DVOM, office computer, lab scope, office computer, smart probe, office gets old. Right now the only tablets I know that work are the pc bases windows units...Samsung has one that was about $1300 last time I checked. There may be more now and hopefully the prices have come down. Eventually I'm gonna break down and buy one but the downside is they are still demon possessed, spawn of satan, hateful windows computers needing constant maintenance and virus protection and my iphone and iPad treat me so much better:)

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