Stone vs. File

by FOG, Monday, August 26, 2013, 23:26 (4050 days ago) @ rob

I have bobbed and dehorned one Series 70 hammer, and I've dehorned several revolver triggers (mostly S&W, plus one Charter Bulldog), and I think you would find stoning a very slow process.

In the past, I have used Swiss-pattern files, but I wore those out, so most recently I tried diamond-type needle files. IMO, those are only a so-so replacement for the real thing.

If you don't have a full set, a half-round file, plus a full-round file should be enough to get the job done.

Here is the 'bob- & dehorn-job' I did on my Behlert Series 70 hammer using only hand tools.


The original shop work included narrowing the sides of the hammer to prevent it 'dragging' on the slide, but they left the edges pretty sharp, and there was a minor machining flaw near the end of the spur on one side. My meager efforts, while somewhat crude, rectified both matters. :-D

You might also find emery cloth useful in 220- and 320-grit for cutting, and 400- and 600-grit for finishing.

Lastly, you can use good old 'Scotchbrite' to restore the finish on the sides of your hammer (I mainly use Norton-brand, in both green/coarse and gray/fine, with the latter being just about right).

HTH :-)


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