Yes Remington made a 210 LSWC reduced load.

by Lee J. @, hagerman,NM, Friday, August 23, 2013, 22:05 (4054 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I believe Hal Swiggett lobbyed to get that 210 gr. LSWC on the market. Would have been an excellent LE load.
But remember back during that time most LE agencies used 38 Spl. and MANY were geared
to load practice ammo to those standards.
When the FBI tried to go to 10mm they could not get all agents qualified with the 10mm. They said too much recoil.
Standardized on the lower loaded 40 Smith.
When you talk about entire departments going to more expensive guns and more powerful calibers, Hold the phone.
We are not talking gun enthusiast when you talk an entire dept.
On a 100 man dept you might have 2-3 gun cranks.
Years ago I watched several of the Chicago PD's who had to fire a cylinder full every 3 months whether they wanted to or not.
Gun and cartridge. Try and convince the city Fathers, and the cop o the beat. Yea,
I watched guys scrunch up, close both eyes and fire double action and miss a B-27 target at 21 feet. 41 Mag ??? Gun nuts have to concentrate.
Sure it would be a great LE cartridge, just convince the City Fathers, with an already un-funded, retirement program. :-(

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