Board regulation...

by Sarge, Saturday, January 21, 2012, 09:01 (4638 days ago) @ John Meeker

I hang out at one forum which has essentially NO moderation regarding language, interaction with other members, etc. If we want to call each other 12-syllable cusswords and arrange a fist-fight at the yearly get-together, it's cool. Same with images... within legal limits, post whatever you want. If somebody gets too stupid, the matter is 'self-policed' for lack of a better term.

You'd think it would be awful; but what actually exists there is the raw but good natured camaraderie you find in lumber yards, fishing boats, construction sites and anywhere else men exist in their natural state. To me it proves the futility of trying to tell other people how to think, act or spel. LOL

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