Once hung out and posted on many boards --

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Saturday, January 21, 2012, 08:29 (4638 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

but the A-hats plumb wore all the fun out of it. It's true that most BBS are much better policed than they used to be. Still, for some reason the invulnerability of the keyboard and opaqueness of the computer screen still engages perfectly likable folks into rough house abuse of one another.

Oddly enough, tho i haven't met all that many of the SAA and lever fans, they almost all have been pretty good face to face. I count 'em as worthwhile assets in a world short on such ideas as common civility.

I'd bet we've all had - and engaged - in enough cyber rudeness to last a lifetime. When you find a nice quiet place filled with knowledge people, it sure seems a shame to drag anger and ill words into it. But...that's all up to the reader and his keyboard.

As Willie Lee, my long gone mentor at a wood stripping shop once said, "It don' be's who you is; it's how you be's."

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