Have one in Nashville always trying to push the line

by Catoosa, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 22:12 (4067 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Some years ago, right after Tennessee passed the handgun carry permit law, a guy who worked in our building came strolling into the office with a holstered pistol worn openly. The TN law does not require concealed carry, and it is not unusual to see people carrying openly now, but this individual was apparently trying to prove something. He was stopped by Nashville PD officers while walking from the parking garage to the building, showed them his shiny new carry permit, and they let him go on his way. He succeeded in creating quite a stir in the building, and there was talk of restrictions, metal detectors, etc.

According to the story I heard, some of the more sensible permit holders who worked in the building approached this individual a day or so later and "counseled" him on the inadvisability of stirring up trouble for all of us. His transgression of firearms and workplace etiquette was not repeated, and the whole thing soon blew over.

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