2nd Ammendment Fun Down Here

by Charles, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 10:14 (4067 days ago)

Yesterday a local "2nd. Amendment Activist", named Hammond, decided to push the envelop and twist the lions tail. He went into the Hidalgo County (McAllen) Sherriff's Offices and told them he was going to lean his loaded assault rifle again the outside of their building and take a pic.

They said "no you don't, get out of here" or words to that effect. He left, but came back to file a complaint and they threw him on the ground, cuffed him, searched his vehicle and took his rifle. He is charged with having a firearm in a prohibited premises.

Well, he knows the law and no doubt did this to get arrested and call attention to the law and the fact that cops don't know it. Texas Penal Code 46.035 defines "premises" be the interior of building and not the parking lot (where his vehicle and rifle were) or side walks. So, he was within the letter of the law, picked the fight and got it.

He will eventually prevail and make his point. Until then there will be hoopla, posturing and so forth.

So now the protests and marches begin, the news coverage etc, etc, etc. Rosa Parks has come to South Texas. I suspect in due time, this event will work it's way into your area.

I have mixed feelings on the matter. On one hand, I think the guy is an idiot. On the other hand, I think folks in general and cops in particular should know the law on the subject. Hay veremos..(we will see). So it goes down here on the Border in the land of palm trees and bright sunshine.

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