1911 problem

by Leatherbark (Bob Hatfield), Saturday, August 10, 2013, 09:06 (4067 days ago)

Or should I say a Systema 1927 problem. When I dry fire the weapon the firing pin sticks all the way forward with the pin sticking out of the slide about a 1/4 inch. I've replaced the firing pin and spring and the retainer. I do notice that the tapered part of the firing pin seems to be the culprit and I have turned it down cylindrical to where it will not stick in the hole when pushed by hand. But it still does it when I dry fire the gun. It is almost like the hammer is driving the pin as far as it will go and maybe the pin head is moving over to the side and not letting it return back into the retainer. The back of the slide under the retainer has a peened area for some reason. The chip McCormick hammer hits the retainer lower than the original. Any one ever have this problem?


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