Yes and no.....

by Otony, Wednesday, August 07, 2013, 21:03 (4070 days ago) @ Hobie

Yes first. I was moving from an apartment I had lived in for three or four years. Under the bed I found not one, not two, but THREE .303 SMLE rifles! I could not remember for the life of me where any had come from until I finally tracked the serial numbers down in my dealer acquisition record book (I was an FFL holder at the time). I had bought four of the darn things for a song from some distributor, sold one, and stashed the rest. And yes, I was momentarily convinced that an unburgular had struck! I'm embarrassed to admit it frightened me a bit, as I simply couldn't recall anything about them. This would have been at the age of 38 or so, making it even more upsetting.

As for the No. More then once I've picked up the factory plastic box my wife's S&W 432 came in and was convinced it was empty, no resolver. The darn thing is that light!


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