not more than 10-15 times; i am still looking for two right

by cable, Wednesday, August 07, 2013, 19:25 (4070 days ago) @ Hobie


the worst though was once when i found a pre64 model 70 featherweight 308 under the mattress in the guest bedroom. i was only in my early 30s, i musta sneaked it in and hid it. it had been there nearly two years AND I COULDNT REMEMBER GETTING IT OR HIDING IT !!!

my first theory was that an unburglar had broken in and left it.

i eventually remembered getting it at local gun show and hiding it there.

sheesh..... i am doing better now, than then...... if i could only find that dan wesson 22 revolver, and the 1872 colt repro in 44 special...... i know they will turn up :-)

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