Two 'similar' stories

by FOG, Friday, July 19, 2013, 17:09 (4089 days ago) @ Wildcat

Story #1

A friend of mine has worked more than 20 years at the LGS, so he knows his business. One day, a middle-aged lady came in acting 'hinky' in a suicidal sense, so my friend followed his gut: He refused to sell her a gun.

Unfortunately, the woman proceeded downtown and acquired one from a rather more gutless gun shop, no doubt without much 'interference'. Upon retrieving her new treasure after a five-day waiting period AND a second visit to the store, she took it home and killed herself.

Story #2

A truly obvious nutcase hailed a cab and rode around town until he found a shop that would sell him a gun, plus ammo.

Next, the nutcase had the cabby take him to restaurant, where he shot up the place, plus a few patrons.

Does the 'shooter' bear all the liability in such cases, or is there perhaps more than enough to go around?


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