Kansas Supreme Court really mucked things up today.

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Friday, July 19, 2013, 14:25 (4089 days ago)

They came out with a decision in a negligence case today wherein a gunshop was sued based on a purported "straw sale". A mother and son go into a gunshop in Baxter Springs. Mom fills out the 4473 and apparently sonnyboy (a convicted rapist) pays cash. He then walks out of the shop with gun in hand, and later that day shoots and kills his own child and himself. While the shop didn't do things right, the Court, reversing an Order of Summary Judgment, ruled that gun shops owe the public the highest duty of care. Liability insurance will probably go stratospheric after this decision.

After reading the case, I hied down street to my LGS and advised my friend the owner. He will now orally read each of the questions pertaining to straw sale and felony/Lautenberg issues to each customer purchasing, as well as posting a large sign stating in essence the same language, and stating if you cannot satisfy both requirements, you cannot purchase here.

He'll probably mount a camera too, to record each sale. Any other ideas?

I'm starting to think California has moved to Kansas!

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