…a friend to all dogs and small boys (???Help???)

by Catoosa, Tuesday, July 09, 2013, 10:33 (4099 days ago) @ cas

Bill O'Connel was Elmer's friend's name. Dont recall if the mention was also in "Hell, I Was There" as well, but it is in "Sixguns" on page 181.

"I once had a cop friend in Helena, Montana, named Bill O'Connel. He was half Blackfoot Indian, a tall powerful man weighing over 200 pounds, over six feet in heighth, straight as an arrow and the best gun fighter on the city police force."

" Bill O'Connel died in the Helena Hospital from flu and pneumonia , while I was flat on my back on another cot, downed by the same ailments.------So died Bill O'Connel, a man without fear, a terror to evil doers and a friend of lost dogs, stray kids and everyone in trouble or need of help."

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