…a friend to all dogs and small boys (???Help???)

by Gary G, Monday, July 08, 2013, 20:23 (4100 days ago) @ cas

It is from Hell I was there,

It is the epitaph Mr Keith wrote of his police officer friend when he was a teenager in Montana. Both suffered from the Flu Epidemic of the 1915 or so. They were in the hospital and the law enforcement officer did not make.

This is not all, but I remember a little more.

So there lies _____________ ____________ a man without fear, A great foe of doers of evil deeds. And a Great Friend to young kids(boys) and stray dogs.

I think of this often, And I am sorry I do not remember it totally including the officers name. 100 years later and it is a compliment of the mans life.

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