Strike two...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, July 08, 2013, 09:00 (4100 days ago) @ FOG
edited by Paul, Monday, July 08, 2013, 09:03

No response from Rexio Argentina.
Response from RSA was

I'm sorry to say that the Rexio revolver is not imported by RSA anymore. We only importred 3 shipments of Rexio back in 1998 and stopped and do not carry any parts. thank You

Then I get back on here and find the info you posted. Went to Bersa, placed three in the shopping cart, started checkout process... card declined. Huh? Must be conflict between billing and shipping address. Try second card. Confirmation of order. Now to wait and see if it all lines up. I ordered three and then saw your recommendation to do the same. Great minds and all that... :-D


We'll see if they reach my correspondent and function as they should.

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