Just for grins, I also tested Bersa's checkout process

by FOG, Monday, July 08, 2013, 06:08 (4101 days ago) @ FOG

STEP 1 was the usual choice between 'Guest Checkout' and 'Create Account'

I chose Guest.

STEP 2 takes you to Billing Information (name, address, cc#, etc.)

I stopped there, of course, but I also noted the following:

• No PayPal (if it matters − LOL)

"NOTE: We are unable to ship to Nevada, New Jersey, or South Carolina. If you live in one of these states, please order from our partner site: http://www.condorsflight.com. We apologize for any inconvenience."

For the sake of 'completeness', I also went to the CondorsFlight website and searched for the
'COMANCHE I' TRANSFER BAR part number: CR29.

That search produced ZERO matches, so it isn't clear if they could be of help.

@ Paul: If you happen to be in NV, NJ, or SC, send me an email, and I will order the part for you. Happily. :-)
I also checked Bersa's shipping rates, and their website quoted $5.00 to my Zip Code. That was for one (1) TRANSFER BAR, so I'd probably be inclined to order two or three of them. (Background 'research' also suggested
the part is prone to breaking, but that might have only been forumsay. :-D )

HTH :-)


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