Reminds me of a story.....

by Glen, Saturday, July 06, 2013, 12:10 (4102 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

I was teaching the NRA's Women & Guns course about 20 years ago. Contrary to class rules, one middle-aged (and handicapped) woman brought her concealed carry handgun into the classroom (loaded, we had a rule of no live ammo in the classroom). It was an imported .38 snub that her late husband had bought for her many years before. You've all heard the story before -- he took her out and taught her how to shoot it, she put a box of wadcutters through it, then loaded it with HP ammo and put it in her purse. It had been there fore at least 10 years (maybe 15). When she pulled it out in the classroom, the ammo was severely corroded (cases would have ruptured if fired), it took me 2-3 minutes to get it unloaded since they were rusted to the cylinder, and the barrel was almost completely plugged with lint, lipstick, and various substances of unknown origin. If she had pulled the trigger, a bullet would have never made it out of that barrel!

I took this as a "target of opportunity" and segued over to the Maintenance and Cleaning portion of the class.....

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