Tumbled that 100 piece batch of BP 45-90 cases for

by John K., Friday, June 28, 2013, 17:52 (4110 days ago) @ John K.

three hours. They were still dirty at one hour, forgot to check them at two, and removed them at three - they were sparkling, inside and out. Looked brand new, even the primer pockets.

Checked my rpms - had set it at "that looks about right" for this test, but did not measure. Put the meter on it and it said "24". So we know it will clean 100 pieces of large rifle brass at a fairly low speed in something less than three hours.

Sped it up to your recommendation of 40rpms and will run another batch of 100 tomorrow and report back.

If you don't have a rpm meter, make a mark on the drum with a piece of tape, magic marker, etc. Download a stopwatch app for your smartphone. Start the stopwatch and count the number of times the mark passes an arbitrary point on the frame until the stopwatch says 60 seconds. Works very well for these slow speeds. Of course, old school folks will ask "why not use the second hands on your wristwatch?" LOL, unless you're a nurse, most folks don't wear watches these days...

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