I think McGivern was right

by FOG, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 09:20 (4114 days ago) @ Cherokee
edited by FOG, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 09:24

He emphasized this in fast shooting, of course, but the forward stoke of the DA revolver trigger action is at least as important as the rearward stroke.

Personally, I always handled triggers in the 'contolled' manner, if only because it was the only method that ever made sense to me.

I have no problem with Rugers or Charters, though, just the way they work.

A friend of mine who is a very good DA revolver shooter recently got a new Wiley Clapp GP100, and he loves it. He also managed to talk me out of my Bulldog and said it 'shoots like a target pistol'.

I hope you have similar luck with your GP100 and that you get it back soon. They are hard guns to beat when it comes to workhorse .357s.


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